Daylily Fans
Have you ever been to the kind of place where they dig up the plants while you wait? I thought it would be fun to check out Dhabi’s Daylilies. After all, Dhabi had posted online that they were at peak. And maybe I would get one or two new daylilies.
Colorful daylilies, fluttering butterflies… to think this was once a field of lettuce. From a field of lettuce heads to a field of daylilies that turn heads. The deal is two flowering fans per plant purchased. And wouldn’t you know it… they were having a sale!
Which Daylilies stand out? Twist of Lemon stood out, even from across the field. It was going on my list.
I was quickly sold on Red Volunteer, which if I was only choosing one, would have been it. It caught my attention several times over.
Condilla, a double bright neon orange, stood out.
Congo Dancer, with it’s perfect dark flowers and orange throat, would compliment Condilla.
Another that caught my attention was Charles Johnston. Reminded me of Red Volunteer in a different shade. Sure enough, Dhabi said it was a long blooming daylily, so that was a yes.
Chicago Apache was just getting started with a rich orange red glow. A great choice for some late season color. Sold! I was up to six now.
Usually I am the one doing the digging, so it felt good to sit and enjoy the view while Dhabi did the digging. So what to do after loading up the wrapped bare root plants? First, stop for ice cream. Thanks for giving us the idea Dhabi!
So glad we have large buckets. I unwrapped the roots, set the plants in buckets of water and took a break. The evening would be much cooler.
Using compost, I planted each daylily in a pot and gave them a good soaking.
This would buy me time to decide where to put them. My husband suggests replacing my strawberry patch, which has been less than productive. Hmmm… that just might work.